Self-Guided Bike Tour in Buenos Aires: From Palermo Hollywood to Recoleta
Buenos Aires bustling streets and loud buses might seem a little intimidating for a novice cyclist. But there are over 150 miles of bicycle paths in the city, and one can safely reach beautiful areas on two wheels.
In the first of our self-guided tours, we will take you from Palermo Hollywood to Recoleta. Our itineraries always start at Palo Santo Hotel in Palermo Hollywood because that’s where we work (and we have courtesy bikes for our guests too ! ). But you can adapt them to your own starting point.
Don’t forget: stay alert while driving, always use a helmet, and never leave your bike unattended.
Buenos Aires Self-guided Bike Tour: From Palermo Hollywood to Plaza Francia (Recoleta)
Distance: 4 miles each way
The wide and safe bike lane of Libertador Avenue is one of the most pleasant in Buenos Aires. It is completely separated from the avenue and the large trees provide it some shadow on part of the route.
You can make the tour longer by entering Bosques de Palermo (the largest parks in the city) and by strolling through the quiet streets of Palermo Chico. We will tell you how in the itinerary below.
From Palo Santo Hotel, you can quickly reach Ave. Int. Bullrich and from there Ave. del Libertador. Take Ave. Infanta Isabel to reach the smallest of Bosques de Palermo lakes. There is a rose garden in the middle of the lake, but unfortunately, you will not be able to cycle there. Around the like, you will see many joggers, rollers, and fellow cyclists.

Go back to Libertador Ave and continue East towards Recoleta.
You can take another detour to discover the beautiful Embassies area of Palermo Chico by taking a left on Castilla Street. From there, take any of the small streets (you can cross the other large avenue, Figueroa Alcorta Ave.). You will go by extravagant mansions, Embassies, and high-end apartment buildings. Afterward, go back to Libertador Ave. and continue until Plaza Francia. You have reached Recoleta!
Both Libertador Ave. and Intendente Bullrich Ave. bike lanes are two-way so you can take the same route to go back to Palermo.
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